Telemedicine Visits at Heritage Pediatrics
Telemedicine is the use of technology to create and audiovisual visit similar to a video conference or FaceTime. Using a phone, computer or tablet it can be used to have a virtual office visit with a medical provider.
Please review this telemedicine section of our website before you call in for you telemedicine visit. If you haven’t been in after 1/1/20, please complete the demographic pages and consents found here.
Review the instructions below for whichever type of visit you are scheduled for. Obtain the necessary vital signs when possible. Well checkups may have additional papers to complete.
All documents can be emailed back to us at A picture of the documents is fine if you don’t have the ability to scan.
Basic Telemedicine Instructions
Philosophy of Telemedicine During Pandemic
Financial Concerns Regarding Telemedicine
Click Here to Start Telemedicine Session:
Well Visit
Well Visit Forms
M-CHAT-R (18 months and 2 year checkup only)
Lead Screening (18 month checkup only)
Spot Vision ABNDownload (6m, 1 year, 4 year, only if scheduling for vaccines)
See your specific pediatrician’s homepage for any additional handouts given at well visits if applicable
2 months-11 years ; Adolescents (12-18 years)
Well Visit Checklist (obtain before your visit)
Read: As You Wait
Weight in pounds
Height (lying down until 2 years old) in inches
Head Circumference (2 years and younger) in inches
Video: How to Take Well Visit Vital Signs
All vaccinations will still be given in a drive up shot station by one of our nurses. She will remain in protective gear (PPE) for the protection of patient and staff. Sick children should not come get any vaccines at this time.
At this time, we will continue to see well infants from birth thru 2 months of age in our office per your doctor’s schedule. These visits will be highly isolated in a dedicated infant well room due to the critical time period and need for physical exam.
Sick Visit
Sick Visit Checklist
Read: As You Wait
Weight in pounds (sick and consult)
Temperature (rectal if under 2 months old)(sick only)
Respiratory Rate in 1 minute (if possible) (sick only)
Heart Rate in 1 minute (if possible) (sick only)
Video: How to Take Sick Visit Vital Signs